Friday, October 19, 2012

Miracle Laundry Whitening Solution

I found this cleaning solution for laundry whitening on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.  My husband's white button up shirt that he wears to church every Sunday and his under garments have been off-white for a while now.  Whenever I clean them, they just don't come out white anymore and are a bit dingy.  So I tried this trick earlier this week and soaked all of our white clothing together with this solution to see how it would work.  And it actually works!  I left out the borax because I don't have any, but it still worked pretty good anyways.  I'm sure it would've worked even better with the borax, though.

It's just four simple ingredients!
1 cup of laundry detergent
1 cup powdered dish washer detergent
1 cup bleach
1/2 cup borax

One thing to remember is to add the above ingredients to as small a load size as possible. You are looking for CONCENTRATED cleaning power, and the more water you have in the tub, the less concentrated it will be. Shoot for BARELY enough water to cover the article.
Let soak for as long as you can stand it! :-)  I managed to stay away from it for a couple of hours. Overnight would work too.

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