Friday, October 19, 2012

How to Remove Hard Water Stains

 When we moved into our house in January of this year and in the bathrooms it has always had hard water stains around the sink faucets....until now! I never knew that getting rid of those stains could be so easy.  Nothing I ever tried in that past has worked.  But I found this miracle solution to the problem through Pinterest and I decided to give it a try.  I was a little skeptical about it at first, but boy does it work!

Here is a before picture:

 How do you get rid of it?  It's simple....just use vinegar.  For spots like in the picture above, soak a paper towel in vinegar and wrap around the faucet.  Leave on the faucets for 20 minutes and it will scrub right off.

Then your faucets will look like the picture below, unless you have really thick hard water, in which case you just soak again for 1 hour until it comes right off:

Ta Da! Doesn't it look pretty compared to the before picture? You can use this method on more than just sinks.  Use it in the shower and tub and in the fridge or wherever you have hard water stains.  Trust me, it works like magic.

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