Friday, October 19, 2012

Homemade Air Freshener

Baking soda naturally absorbs odors, so why not take advantage of that to create simple, inexpensive air fresheners?

Here's how:

Use a hammer and and a nail to poke holes in the lid of a small canning jar. (The heart is a nice touch, but clearly not necessary)

Fill the jar about 1/4 full with baking soda
Add 6-8 drops of lavender essential oil

Put lid on and place in any spot that could use some freshening.  Every once in a while, give the jar a gentle shake to boost it's air freshening power.

I've made several, and I use them in my linen closet, under my kitchen sink (which is where the stinky garbage can is) and in the bathroom.

This powder is also useful for removing odors from carpets and upholstery.  And it's already in a handy shaker!  Just sprinkle on your sofa or a spot on your carpet that needs to be deodorized, let sit for a little while, and then vacuum it up.

You could, of course, substitute your favorite essential oil for the lavender.  And you crafty ladies could certainly pretty up the jar a little bit too!

NOTE: As with any cleaning product (even the reasonably safe and friendly ones), keep out of reach of children and pets. 

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